Hypno Shamanism: Healing and Spiritual Transformation
1. Purpose:
Traditional hypnotherapy offers a versatile and effective solution for a range of issues. It can assist in smoking cessation, weight management, anxiety reduction, phobia treatment, addiction recovery, trauma healing, and emotional well-being. Through focused trance states, it facilitates transformative change, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and achieve lasting positive results.
2. Before the Session:
a. We will begin with a consultation to discuss your needs, goals, and any specific issues you wish to address. This allows me to gain a comprehensive understanding of your background and tailor the session to meet your unique needs.
b. I will explain the nature of our Hypnotherapy session, including the techniques and processes involved, ensuring that you provide informed consent. During this discussion, we can also address any potential risks or limitations of the practice.
3. During the Session:
a. Our session starts with an induction process, where I guide you into a deep state of relaxation. Together, we will engage in deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery to help you achieve a trance-like state.
b. Once you are in a relaxed state, I will employ hypnosis techniques to deepen the experience. Through suggestions, visualizations, and guided imagery, we will tap into your subconscious mind, promoting heightened awareness.
4. After the Session:
a. As our session comes to a close, I will help you transition back to a fully awakened state. Grounding techniques, such as deep breathing, gentle movements, or affirmations, will anchor your energy and ensure a smooth reintegration into everyday life.
b. We will engage in a debriefing conversation, allowing you to share your experiences, insights, and emotions that arose during the session. I will provide guidance, interpretation, or further suggestions for self-care and integration of the session's effects.
5. Cost and Duration:
a. Our Hypnotherapy session typically lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. The cost for this session is 80€, though prices may vary depending on my experience, location, and additional services provided.
Please remember that while Hypnotherapy can be a powerful and transformative practice, it is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. If you have specific health concerns or psychological issues, it is essential to consult with a qualified professional.
​In conclusion, traditional hypnotherapy serves as a transformative approach, providing effective solutions for a wide range of challenges, promoting healing, and empowering individuals to achieve lasting positive change.